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Find your Co-op job


Here at the Co-op we’re committed to supporting colleagues who have a disability to stay in work. If you’ve got a disability which means that you can’t carry on in your current role, after all reasonable adjustments have been made, talk to your manager about whether redeployment might be an option for you.

Crucial bits

What is redeployment?

Redeployment could be an option for you if your disability means that you can’t carry out your current job. This means that we’ll try to help you to find another role within the Co-op.

You’ll be eligible for redeployment if we get an Occupational Health report indicating that your disability means you can’t continue in your current role, after all reasonable adjustments have been looked at, but you may be able to do another job at the Co-op – see our Guide to Reasonable Adjustments for more information about workplace adjustments. We’ll talk to you about whether you’re interested in redeployment and if so, what kind of roles you might be suitable for. If we agree that it may be possible for you to find a suitable alternative role, we’ll give you a redeployment period of 12 weeks to help you find another suitable job with us.

Right to be accompanied

You can be accompanied to any meeting to talk about redeployment by another colleague or a trade union rep if you like. You can also bring a professional support worker, such as a sign language interpreter, or a friend or family member if it’s appropriate.


If you apply for any internal job, you’ll always get an interview if you meet the minimum requirements for the role. And we’ll make all reasonable adjustments you need for the interview.

We’ll always do our best to interview you before anyone else and will offer you the role if you meet the benchmark criteria. When deciding if you’re suitable for the role, we’ll also consider whether you might be able to do the job after some retraining during a trial period.

Things to think about

Starting the redeployment process

If it’s appropriate, your manager will talk to you about the possibility of redeployment during your final formal meeting in either the sickness absence or performance improvement processes. If we agree that redeployment could be an option for you, we’ll put this process on hold for the redeployment period.

Your manager will fill in a Disability Redeployment Form (available in either word or PDF format at the link below) with you, asking you about your knowledge and skills and what kind of roles you’re interested in and able to do. They’ll also talk to you about the job application and interview process and whether you’d need any reasonable adjustments to the process to help you. Your manager will ask you to sign the form and then give you a copy, so you’ve got a record of what was discussed and agreed.

Applying for vacancies

During the redeployment period, your manager will help you to look and apply for suitable internal vacancies. Visit the Internal Careers Portal yourself as often as you can. This shows vacancies across the whole of the Co-op. Your manager will search for vacancies too and let you know if they see anything that might be suitable for you. If you don’t have internet access, talk to your manager about the best way for you to get access to the vacancies. Keep in touch with your manager regularly and talk to them about any roles you might be interested in.

Just so you’re aware, vacancies for Customer Team Member and Team Leader positions in Food aren’t on the Internal Careers Portal just yet. So if you’re interested in these roles, tell your manager and they’ll get the contact details for the relevant Store Manager for you.

When you apply for a vacancy on the Internal Careers Portal, make sure you answer “yes” to the question asking whether your job is at risk because of disability redeployment. If it’s relevant, also answer “yes” to the question about needing any reasonable adjustments. This is so we can make sure you get an interview if you meet the minimum criteria and arrange any reasonable adjustments you might need.

New role and trial period

If you get offered a job, it’ll usually be on the salary and benefits for that role. We’ll send you a letter to confirm all the details. We may suggest a trial period of at least four weeks, to make sure it’s working for everyone.

Your new manager will talk to you about any reasonable adjustments that you might need and complete a Work Adjustments Form (available in either Word or PDF format at the link below) with you. They will put those adjustments in place and see how they go during the trial. At the end of the trial, they’ll hold a review meeting with you to talk about how things have gone. If the trial’s gone well, we’ll write to confirm you into the role permanently.

End of redeployment process

If, at the end of or during the trial, either you or the business think that the role is not genuinely suitable, or if you get to the end of the redeployment period and haven’t found another role, you’ll return to the absence process or performance improvement process with your original manager.

If your employment with us is ended, we’ll usually pay you in lieu of your notice period – based on your salary in your original role - but your manager may agree for you to remain in employment during your notice so you’ve got more time to look for another job with us.

If you need further support

If you have any questions about disability redeployment, please speak to your manager. If managers need advice they can contact ER Services.

Remember we have an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) who can provide colleagues with support. You can contact the EAP on 0800 069 8854. It’s independent and totally confidential. And there’s no charge for Co-op colleagues.